Web Mapping Workshop

Welcome to the Web Mapping Workshop! We're glad you're here and are excited to share this content with you.

This is a joint effort between the Code for Dayton, Girl Develop It Dayton, and Dayton Data Visualization groups.

We are all dedicated to providing a harassment free learning experience for everyone. For more information, see the Code of Conduct.

Here are some "rules"


We're aiming to keep this workshop beginner friendly, but there are some tools and technologies you should have a passing familiarity with before the workshop.

We'll be making maps for use on web pages, so you should be familiar with the basics of writing a web page with HTML and CSS. A good introduction to each of these is Mozilla's Web Guides for HTML and CSS.

All of the maps will be made using JavaScript. Mozilla also has a great introductory guide for JavaScript, but we'll go over everything you'll need to make a map in class.

And finally having a text editor like like Sublime Text or Atom for writing code.

Get Started!