Airport Data from
This is a sparsely populated map that serves a few purposes:
- It introduces you to the data set.
- It shows polylines in action.
- It showcases the very pretty and unmaplike watercolor basemap from Stamen Design.
- It utilizes a data processing script to combine and filter the airport and route data files into something we can use.
Data Source
From their Github description, is a:
Website for storing flight information, rendering paths on a zoomable world map and calculating statistics, with plenty of free airline, airport and route data.
They freely share their data, but the license has a share-alike clause that limits commercial use.
So many ways to improve this one!
- Usually maps with paths like these follow a Great Circle arc. Can you use a Leaflet rendering plugin to do the same here?
- The routes shown here are outgoing from Dayton International Airport. Can you make the polylines directional?
- Could you include inbound, outbound, and bi-directional routes? If so, how could you differentiate them?
- How many routes can you show on the map? Does it bog down at some point?